In Canada, there used to be a chain of large department stores called
Eaton's which had a guaranteed policy of "money back" if goods purchased by
people were, in some way dissatisfied with them.  The Lord only knows how
many elegant dresses were 'bought' for the social event of the season only
to be returned a day or two later for a refund for some real or imagined
reason.  Eaton's went bankrupt a year or so ago.  The bankruptcy was a
function of poor management rather than an ill-abused refund policy.

How people could 'buy' and CD, tape it, and take it back for full credit
is beyond me.  I wholehearted agree with Kevin Sutton's position on this
practice.  It is downright dishonesty and a despicable action on consumers'

We complain about the high prices of CD's on this list.  All I can do is
to paraphrase a medical nostrum:  "consumers heal they souls".

Alex Renwick,
Ottawa, Canada