Ron Chaplin ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Yesterday, I received the latest mailing from BMG Classical Music
>Service.  There is an offer of the complete Mozart symphonies (19 CD's)
>on L'Oiseau-Lyre, performed by The Academy of Ancient Music - Christopher
>Hogwood, for $99.98, w/o S&H.  This seems like a great offer to me.  I
>wonder if anyone else feels the same.

I eagerly bought the final box on LP when it appeared (I cannot love
the earlier symphonies).  After a few years it sunk in to me that I never
listened to it anymore.  On digging it out and relistening I relaised why
- it's horrible.  The kind of performance (acidic strings, dubious
intonation) which gave "Authentic" performances a bad name in the
early(ish) days.


Deryk Barker
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