John Grant wrote:

>Ditto, ditto: but some qualifications.  Gould's Brahm's Intermezzi are
>wonderful.  Jarrett's WTC is near the bottom of my own personal list (Book
>1 on piano; book 2 on clavichord, I think); but his Shostakovich Preludes
>and Fugues, and his Handel Suites are superb.

I've never heard the performances of the Brahms intermezzi by Gould.
All I can say is that I have heard more people agree with you than not
regarding their quality.  I'm not sure exactly what I dislike about the
Gould performance of the Rhapsodies.  They sound very mechanical like they
were being churned on a conveyor belt.

I'll look into the Jarrett WTC and I'll keep in mind your opinion before I
make the decision to buy.  Jarrett's recording of the Handel Suites is very
nice.  I was tempted to pick it up a few years back but never went through
with it.  I have the 8 suites (1720) in a recording by Paul Nicholson on
the Hyperion label.  It's also a nice performance although some parts are
grotesquely ornamented in my opinion.  Maybe Handel the showman would
perform them in much the same way.

--Wes Crone