Pablo Massa <[log in to unmask] writes fetchingly:

>By the way, your analogy of dark/white meat is very good in order to
>understand this kind of polemiques:  do you remember what happened at
>the first century A.D.  in Antioch?.  Read the Facts of the Apostles (11:

Yes, it's where God orders Peter to overcome a reluctance to eat common
fare.  He commands him to eat anything He has cleansed.

But hold that metaphor!  It's one thing for God to command audiences to
attend equably and without bias all kinds of music cleansed by Him.  It's
another, I would hope, for the Adornos of this world to attempt to play

As for attending an evening's performance that included both Haydn and von
Webern, I think big-house audiences would sit still for that.  Webern's
compositions are mostly mercifully brief.  Besides, an eveing's program
woud require another piece and if this were something romantic --say, a
Buckner ,or Mendelssohn symphony -- there'd be little complaint about what
the evening had to offer.

Denis Fodor