Denis Fodor wrote:

>As Satoshi Akima posits, it's chacun a son gout, but when you're just part
>of a large audience then the gout belongs to the audience.  If an esoteric
>circle, such as that of Adorno & Co., wish to have it their way then they
>should seek it in circumstances more to their measure:  small auditoria,
>or listening to recordings.

So why not let the audience make concert and opera programs in the future?
This would lead to always the same old stuff.  - And I doubt your findings.
Ingo Metzmacher conducted a brilliant concert, title:  "Who's afraid of
20th Century Music?" The concert hall was full of people, presumably all

>Moreover, Pace Mr. Akima, the taste of the run-of-the mill concert and
>opera goer is not base; rather, it's relatively elevated, else he/she
>would prefer going to pop performances.

Here we go again:  CM is better than pop, the guy who likes pop has a
base taste.  Well, I am a concert goer, too, and not everyone in the hall
strikes me as being especially cultivated.  After all, it is no proof of
good taste to bash musical styles one does not like.

>Anyway, it's my claim that we're thoroughly accultured to the sounds that
>make up the music that has made it through the ages and that the hexachord
>is an essence of this.  "Adorno's Music", the music of an anti-elite elite
>that preens itself on its heterodoxy, is not.  If anything, it's anti-CM.

This is a very problematic statement, to say the least.  What is your next
proposal after sending the atonal music-lovers into smaller concert halls
or out to their CD players? Forbidding Adorno? Banning this music? I think
your statement is anti-CM because to me Classical Music is about tolerance,
you know.

Robert Peters
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