Well folks,
I have been following this thread on bee foundation size and the mite. Wish
I could help:) I have been given a hive that has had no treatment for mites
or foul brood from a old beekeeper who has watched all his hives die over
the last ten years, but didn't have the health to do anything with them.
I opened the one hive up, and guess what I found. Homemade frames, without
starter foundation. The bees had put the comb in side ways against the
frames so that I could not move it with out destroying the hive. I found no
mites in the hive in what drone comb I could dig into.
My hives have mites, two blocks away, and another beekeeper has some a block
away.Both of us, have lost hives due to the mite. But this one, is still
going strong. The comb I found in it was smaller than mine, but I'm no
expert. Hoping to draw the queen up into one of my hive bodies, and bring
her home for studying. Who knows? This bee keeper is very knowledgeable and
knew that these wasn't reoccurring swarms .
I am going to raise up some queens from this bunch of Italians and see.