> up to 7 days later.  Anaphylactic reactions can have systemic reactions from

> This person is at risk for another occurence if stung again.

Richard -

I still know of no solid evidence that one can predict what kind of reaction
one will have to a bee sting, even with prior knowledge of sting history. My
son was stung a couple years ago and had a severe reaction to it with hives
covering his body and swelling starting in his throat but the emergency room
procedure kept it from turning into a grave situation.

He had been stung prior to this episode and has been stung since, numerous
times, with only a mild local reaction as one would get with a mosquito
bite. We had the Epi-Pen's on hand but have never had to use them.

I think we all are at risk to having a more severe reaction at any given
time that no one can predict. We should take severe reactions seriously but
having one or not having one is not a solid predictor of what will happen
