While I'm in a "posting" mode, I've been asked by a friend to get your input
on an idea her hospital is thinking of instituting. She says they want to
put a cart, stocked with various items like nursing bras, shells, stools,
pumps, books, preemie clothes, etc. on the OB unit. They not only want it
prominently displayed, but are also looking to have someone(a volunteer
"pink lady" perhaps) take it from room to room to make this stuff available
to patients.

Apparently the local breastpump company rep has been sharing a success story
about an LC who set up such a system, marketed it to the local physicians'
offices as an "added value" to their patients, and not only increased the
delivery rate at her hospital but has a 96% bf rate as well.

My friend says her manager thinks this may be the way to improve their
hospital's image/bf rates, too.

What's YOUR "take" on this idea?? I'll be happy to share my thoughts, AFTER
I hear what you guys/gals have to say!

By the way, if it's all right for me to share your post with my friend & her
manager, please say so in your post--it'll save me time having to email each
of you for permission.....



Carol L. Schlef, RNC, MSW, IBCLC
Humor, Health & Hugs
Edutainment for your community or corporate group!
phone: 314-852-4530
email: [log in to unmask]
website: home.earthlink.net/~flamingochick

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