Following Dave's earlier post in which he quoted the results of some
research on his CD collection, I did a similar excercise on my somewhat
less numerous collection and came up with comparable results.

Kim Patrick Clow wrote that Universal:

>>... is now releasing a super budget series at rock bottom prices
>>of  around 6 bucks each. The initial release is for 200 titles.

For some months now, they've been releasing in Australia old material from
Decca, Philips, DG and ABC Classics (an Australian label), eg Karl Bohm
in Mozart symphonies, Kertesz's Mozart Requiem, Grumiaux's Lalo Symphonie
Espagnole, that sort of thing.  The ABC material includes music by Peter
Sculthorpe, who'll be known to most listers, and concertos by Miriam Hyde
and Margaret Sutherland, who won't be.  These have been collectively called
<Original label name> Eloquence and are the same price as Naxos and Sony
Essential Classics.  They're appearing at a rapid rate but I don't think
there are 200 of them.  Some have been reviewed in IRR by Martin Hibble
who's a presenter on ABC Classic FM and in another life worked in record
stores in Edinburgh and Australia.  The e-mail address given for the label
in IRR is that of a CD store in Perth, Western Australia.  This may or may
not be the label Kim was thinking of.

Dave asked:

>BTW, has anyone heard anything about the future of Arte Nova?

I used to get my information from BMG's site but noticed that IRR had
another site listed:

which I just checked.  It's mainly in German but comprehensible enough.
It lists six new releases for August, including Liszt's complete music
for cello (I didn't know there was any), some Rosetti symphonies and
Furtwangler's 1st.  Like Evelyn Glennie and James Galway, they seem to
be steaming ahead despite BMG.  I understand the label is still readily
available, in this country anyway.

Richard Pennycuick
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