Female Schatz writes:

>Mahler just barely missed the beginning of the age of recording.  Does
>anyone know of any good sources that discuss Mahler's conducting technique
>and/or what it was like to attend a performance that he led?

Read some accounts of Mahler concerts in Erwin Stein's "Orpheus In New
Guises".  Also the new Volume III of Henry-Louis de La Grange's biography
of Mahler ("Vienna: Triumph and Disillusion") contains extracts from
letters and diaries of Willhelm Ritter that describe Mahler in rehearsal
and performance.  (pp.508-21.) But both de La Grange's volume's contain
many contemporary accounts of Mahler the conductor by critics of the day.

>Did any of Mahler's contemporaries ever point to a conductor who has been
>recorded who bore a resemblance to Mahler?

I guess the nearest might be said to be Mengelberg.  But we are dealing
with completely different periods and what might be described in one way
by Mahler's generation would be described in another way by our own.

Tony Duggan, England.
Mahler recordings survey: