Kim Patrick Clow ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>At the same time I heard about the Hogwood cycle of Haydn going "kaput",
>I heard that Sony cancelled its series with Tafelmusick

Sony, in their infinite lack of wisdom, have dropped Tafelmusik altogether.
They now record for the Canadian Analekta label.

This, from the label which considers the soundtrack from Titanic
"classical" and Charlotte Church a great singer.

>Speaking of ongoing "complete recordings".  Naxos mentioned five years ago
>a complete recording of all the Vivaldi Concerti.  This was in 1995/96.
>Unless they plan on dumping about 75 cds, I gather they are way way behind
>on their project.  Any one have info on that cycle?

No, but a couple of years ago I was speaking to their Canadian
representative who told me they'd had to slow down their release schedule
and that they had over *300* recordings in the can...

Deryk Barker
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