I want to thank everyone for your responses
public and private on my question about
"Plastic foundations"

Ellen Anglin wrote:
>feed them sugar syrup with some kool aid added
>for color and fragrance. (And to tell it apart from honey.)
>My bees seem to like cherry.

I took Ellen's and Herb/Norma Bee Holly-B Apiary
advice, but I did it a little different. I made a mixture
of two cups sugar + 3 cups water and 1 envelope
of raspberry kool aid (that is what we had in the kitchen).
I used a Windex spray bottle took the "Plastic Foundation"
frames out and started spraying them one at a time on both
sides. As soon as I replaced the first frame back in its
original position, the most amazing thing happened;
the frame got covered very quickly and they started fanning
and making that beautiful vibrating sound, I guess they were
announcing the good news to the rest of the hive. That made
us very happy as it continued with all my three hives.

Again many thanks to all,
+ Fr. Athanasios