Another web site with valuable research potential can be found at:

It consists of historical maps and images from the Library of Congress that
have been scanned at high resolution and can be zoomed in on on the net and
even purchased.  The maps of North America include panoramic views of cities
dating from 1847 through 1929, battlefields, and topographic and
environmental subjects .  The site is
an outlet for HISTORICAL ART, from which you can buy two sizes of the maps -
36 inch high and 54 inch high.

Map categories include:

City & Towns
Individual Titles City & Towns
Panoramic Maps City & Towns
Panoramic Maps
Conservation &
Environment Discovery &
Exploration General Maps
Transportation &
Communication Military Battles &
Campaigns Cultural

Mike Polk
Sagebrush Consultants, L.L.C.
Ogden, Utah