Raymond Jones (Station manager of WHRO FM in Norfolk VA) told me that
DeKoven's first name was Reginald, and I think he maybe the son of the
composer Reginald DeKoven.  Not sure.  And yes he did ask that when you
addressed mail to him that "you skip the 'Sir' or 'Mr' since I view them
as anachronisms".

I would certainly wonder what DeKoven would have thought of the tremendous
amount of recording thats occured in his favorite period of music.  He died
right about at the time CDs were being introduced.  A lot of the albums he
featured on his show were either budget albums or 2nd hand copies he would
purchase at used record stores.  I also remember his bemoaning the fact
record companies would jip the public with only putting 45 minutes on an
album (sound familiar?) and the record companies justification back then
(they claimed it improved quality of the sound having less music on the

Its kinda hard to explain why his show was so engaging.  I have heard many
classical music format shows since then.  And I enjoy them.  But they just
don't have the magic that DeKoven had.
