Kevin Sutton bemoans the fact, in a PS, that he may be the only choral
freak on this list.

Noooo.  He's not.  There's at least one more.  As a youngster, I went to
two United churches which had fine choirs and magnificent Cassavant Freres
organs.  Perhaps a weekly diet of organ preludes and marvelous anthems had
an effect on my love for CM.  One peculiar aspect of this is that this love
is confined to anthems, oratorios, and cantatas J S Bach and Handel in
particular [I get annoyed when I read negative reviews that Israel in Egypt
is Handel's oratorio of 'anthems only' and that it tires the ear].  Who's
ear; not mine.

Despite the above, I'm indifferent to opera.  Does anyone else on the list
share this quirk of my personality?

Kevin also suggests that greater interest on the list should should have
more discussions on choral music.  Assuming that Dave agrees, so do I.
 [Well, what are you waiting for? Get at it.  -Dave]

Cheers to all,

Alex Renwick
Ottawa, Canada