A few random thoughts inspired by a recent post:

1.  Schoenberg, Berg, Webern, Dallapiccola, Krenek, Boulez, and others were
and are not fools; whatever personal reaction to their music one may have
should not have a negative effect on one's respect for them as composers.

2.  People shouldn't use statements like "the vast majority of CM lovers
share my view that atonal and serial music stinks" to support their
opinions.  "Majority rule" (assuming it's true to begin with) does not
apply to aesthetic judgments.  Popularity means tickets are being sold
and seats are being filled, but it doesn't mean minds are being expanded.

3.  How music makes you feel has nothing to do with its value.  Astrology
makes some people feel better.  That doesn't mean it's doing them any good.

4.  People shouldn't assume that that music is best which least offends.

Chris Bonds