Kevin Sutton:

>By the way, we don't discuss choral music nearly enough around here.
>Surely I am not the only choral freak on this list? Am I? Anyone?

Many people are of opinion that I'm a plain freak, so I suppose that
I'm half in the way.  The fact is that since some months ago I became a
practical "choral freak" (i,e:  I'm perpetrating some works of Tallis and
Bach with a group of singers) and I'm very happy with this new adjective.
I love Renaissance music, but being a violinist doesn't provides you many
occasions for playing, I dared to sing.  Recently, I've transcribed
a "frottola" from a source of XV century, and a Kyrie of Josquin (from a
manuscript of the Vatican Library), and I'm editing them for rehearsal with
this group.  I would like to play medieval music also, but my poor voice
is not trained enough for it.  Unless I learn the "vielle" or some other
instrument, my aims on medieval music will remain purely theoretical.
However, the point is that you're not alone, Kevin.

Pablo Massa
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