Bernard Gregoire wrote:

>[log in to unmask] cannot find the Water Lily Acoustics disk.
>I suggest you try ordering this disk direct from the Philadelphia Orchestra
>business office.  If they cannot fulfill the order I'm sure they can
>recommend a source.
>Incidentally, I have heard this disk over the radio.  Performance
>criticisms are way over stated and the sound is excellent.

I heard the Philadelphia Orchestra on tour in Washington at about the time
of the recording play the Dvorak overture triology as the first half of a
program which concluded with the Brahms Violin Concerto, Mutter as soloist.

The entire concert was thrilling--I've long loved the Dvorak trilogy but
never had the opportunity to conduct anything but Carneval, and that many
times.  These were ideal performances; Sawallisch profoundly engaged and
the orchestra as well.  I can't imagine that a contemporaneous recording
would have been any different.

Joel Lazar
Bethesda, MD