Juan Ramon Molina Menor wrote:

>Hello everybody!  (Sorry about my english)
>I'm new in this great list.  I'm a beginner classical guitar player, but
>I can appreciate all kinds of music <grin>, from Padre Soler to Berio.

I've liked the music of Padre Antonio Soler ever since I bought an LP
called "Harpsichord Music of the School of Domenico Scarlatti" about 50
years ago, one side of which was devoted to Soler's music, and the other,
to various other Spanish composers of the time, one of them being Mateo
(not Isaac) Albeniz.  whose little piece (sonata?) sounded surprisingly
like one of the movements to Rodrigo's *Fantasia para un gentilhombre*.

Welcome to the list and make no apologies for your English.  I'd hate to
compare it to my Spanish or French (your post suggests that you're Spanish,
but your e-mail address looks French).

Walter Meyer