Matt Johnson responded to my query:

>I recently saw a performance of Study No 7 by the Minnesota Contemporary
>Music Ensemble.  It was arranged for chamber orchestra and met with
>Nancarrow's approval.  The performance was excellent and even included an
>encore of part of the work.  While this is the case I must admit the music
>was extremely complex and I had difficulty following what was going on
>during many parts of it.  Based on my first impression I believe it would
>be necessary to hear this piece many times before you could really begin
>to appreciate it.  I believe more performances are in the works so keep
>your eyes open...

Greetings, Matt!

Thanks for responding.  Thanks, also, for the heads up.  I will keep on the
lookout for any performances in my area, central New Jersey.

I'm wondering what you may have gotten out of the performance you attended.
I would think that the audience enjoyed it or there wouldn't have been an

Do you think that these studies were written because of a musical idea
Nancarrow felt he had to express, or do think these studies are amazingly
complex, fascinating jigsaw puzzles written to test the limits of what can
be written for a player piano? I am sure it can, also, be a combination of
the two.  What do you think the composer is doing?

Thanks, as always,

Ron Chaplin