Bill Pirkle ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I was referring to my personal opinion of the modern stuff as being
>interesting but not profound.  Is it OK with you that I describe music that
>I like as profound and other music as interesting [to me]? - Webster
>PROFOUND 1) having intellectual depth and insight 2) difficult to fathom or
>understand 3) extending far below the surface.

Gee, I'd love to agree with you, but just last Wedbesday I attended a
performance of Shostakovich's 8th quartet.  As profound as anything I know.

>Curiously, I find far more expressions of love in 19th century music than
>the 20th,

Maybe you've just been listening to the wrong 20th century music?

>and I would want to be stuck on a desert island with the 19th,
>that and the world's greatest shipbuilder.

Unfortunately Isambard Kingdom Brunel is dead...:-)

Deryk Barker
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