Achim Breiling <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Which other 20th century ballet works would list-members suggest me to try?

The greatest is Ralph Vaughan Williams's _Job - A Masque for Dancing_
(Boult; Boult & more Boult is the standard recommendation - the score was
rededicated to the conductor under circumstances too interesting to repeat
here - but there's a good, meaty vision of the cosmos on Naxos; & the old
firm of Handley & Hickox have good versions in their cv).  A more recent
score which i quite like (although it's no classic) is Feeney's _Dracula_
(from an idea by Ken Russell - the prosecution rests, m'lord - also Naxos).

All the best,
Robert Clements <[log in to unmask]>