Donald Satz wrote:

>What I like about Don Vroon is that he writes what he thinks without regard
>for the responses of the readers.  That is refreshing in an era where
>speaking "correctly" seems to be considered the only acceptable avenue.

Sorry, Don, but Vroon might write what he thinks, but he seldom thinks
when he writes.  His diatribes are full of one sided, and completely
unsupported arguments.  You might notice that in this latest smear, he
fails to call one single musician to task by name.  Nor does he offer a
single solution to his complaints.  Rather, he drools on for pages with
drivel that seldom rises above geriatric bitching.  Furthermore, his
infuriating use of the royal we, as if he speaks for some all-inclusive
group of people, completely negates any of his arguments.  Donald Vroon
cannot be given credit for defying polical correctness.  He makes blanket
generalizations which he cannot substantiate.  He can never bring himself
to list anything specific nor will he name a single person to substantiate
either side of his non-arguments.  He is not making a stand.  He is a
coward posing as a conservative, and in typical fashion taking up the
banner of a non-issue.

Kevin Sutton