Hi everybody, Can anyone explain me why can't I find any CD containing
music of Morton Gould in any disc store of Lisbon, be it Virgin, FNAC
(the big ones) or any other?

Can I listen to his music on internet? Where, please?

The purpose of this mail on Morton Gould is not obviously to obtain a true
reply on "why I can't find Morton Gould CD's in Lisbon, etc." but to know
why Morton Gould is being so depreciated, so despised these days!  Nobody
here seems to know him.  It seems this is not only common in Portugal, but
also in the rest of Europe.  The BBC plays his music very seldom.  The same
with german Klassikradio.

Please understand me.

Mario Cesar Borges Abreu
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Lisbon, Portugal