Kevin Sutton asks for information about the background of Alberic Magnard.
Leaving music aside a moment he died heroically.

His house, north of Paris, found itself in the direct line of the German
advance in the 1914-18 war.  He wasn't having any of this and as the first
soldiers advanced up the driveway of his house he let fly with a 12-bore

The result was his death and the destruction (by fire) of his house and
many of his scores.  This glorious but somewhat foolish death is perhaps
what I found endeared him to the Belgians.  The fight to restore Magnard
to the catalogue was largely begun, as I recall, c.1967 by the late Thierry
Grisar owner of the Domaine du Disque in the Galerie Ravenstein in the
Belgian capital (in those days Belgium's No.1 classical retailer).

Grisar constantly bombarded EMI Pathe Marconi (later EMI France) over
a number of years with requests for recordings - as well as those of
Chausson.  Today we have them.

John G. Deacon