Satoshi Akima <[log in to unmask]>:

>I am reminded of Bruckner's farewell to Wagner: "sehr feierlich" are his
>markings in the slow movement of the 7th symphony.  This can mean "very
>solemn" but the literal meaning of the word "feierlich" is "ceremonious".
>But Rituel is not just a ceremony.  It is a ritual in the most primordial

That farewell is indeed cute.  Bruckner had oddly come to letter W (as
in Wagner) in the slow movement when he got the telegram from Cosima in
Venezia saying that Rickard Wagner had died on the 13.February 1883.  "Then
I cried" Bruckner recalled afterwards, "Oh, so I cried".  Then he went
immideately to his working desk, to the partiture, and dissolved the tubas
great lament in a peaceful ending in major, whichs melody is similar to
part of a mass by him [Bruckner] where the text goes; "Non confundar in
aeterum"(="In eternities I shall never come on shame").

Mats Norrman
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