I think that Bill Pirkle, on another thread, mentioned some of the
materials inside his piano bench.  I hadn't looked inside mine for months,
so I took a gander.  No pornography!  But there were three cd's and a small
book titled "How To Play The Piano".  What a great haul!  Three cd's that
I love and had been MIA, and the book that will lead to my emergence as a
concert pianist.

Anyways, this started me thinking about what other list members keep
inside their piano benches.  They say you can tell a lot about people from
what they have in their vehicles, but I think it's the piano bench which
really speaks for its owner.  Mine is saying that I place little priority
on organization and that I play the piano about as well as I organize.
What's inside your piano bench?

Don Satz
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