Behold a major new lyric tenor, making his North American professional
debut today as the Evangelist in the Oregon Bach Festival's St. Matthew
Passion -- with a remarkable cast of Juliane Banse, Ingeborg Danz, Thomas
Quasthoff and Eric Owens, conducted by Helmuth Rilling.

With a voice similar to the perfect-Mozart-tenor sound of James Taylor
whom he is replacing, Odinius has a "natural" placement in the high
register, effortless delivery, and a projection that allows the finest
pianissimo carry through cavernous (and, yes, "electronically enhanced")
Silva Hall.  The voice is not as beautiful as Taylor's, but it has more
power: think of a true helden-Tamino, instead of a dreamy Fenton.

Born in Aachen and educated in Berlin, the 34-year-old tenor has been
getting large roles in small houses and small roles in big houses in
Europe, but that's about to change with a Zuerich "Alfonso" and other,
yet unannounced assignments.

Odinius sang in Nebraska some six years ago in a St. John Passion
performance by a Berlin group, but today's Eugene performance will be
his U.S. professional debut.  As of now, he has no American engagements
scheduled -- something that may well change by tomorrow.

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