Peter Goldstein wrote:

>I've been a big Beatles fan since they first appeared on Ed Sullivan, and
>I'd rank "In My Life" somewhere around, oh, let's say, my 90th favorite
>Beatles song.  On a good day.  I've never met anyone who thought it was
>their best song (of course, there are lots of people I haven't met).

That includes me, but if Peter had met me, he still wouldn't know anyone
who considers "In My Life" their favorite Beatle song.  I'm sure Dave's
information about the song is correct, but I can't figure it out.  It's
such a simple, monotonous, and cloying tune, imho, which is about the
best I can say for "Yesterday" which I thought was the one Beatle song
that would have the most covers from other singers/groups.

Once again I'm in the minority.  I've been thinking of a plan to try my
hardest to become a right-handed person.  My thinking is that if I succeed
in that task, my preferences will start to gravitate toward what's popular;
then I can be one of the gang and I'd be agreeable to a restrictive
definition of music.  We all have a dream.

Don Satz
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