     I had a phone call from a mother yesterday.  A bit distraught.  She has
had a 'mole' 17 mm in diameter now, for 4-5 years.  She hasn't noticed much
change, but showed it to a dermatologist recently.  The dermatologist noted
that the 'mole' has an irregular edge.  He thinks it should be surgically
removed, now.  She was sent to a plastic surgeon.
     The mother has a 6 week old son.  She is loving breastfeeding and DOES
NOT want to give up breastfeeding.  She is convinced there is a way to do
the surgery and to BF.  The plastic surgeon does not understand this and
wants her to go to her OB and "get a shot, dry up the milk and get on with
it".  This mother is miffed.
     I've read of mothers BFing after breast surgery.  I looked throug the
Archives, nothing specific enough.  Can anyone help me to help her?  Does
Dr. Susan Love have an e-mail address?  It seems we need some experiencial
help from a clinical and maybe personal experience and another, more
sensitive plastic surgeon.?.
     Thank you, in advance.
                    Betsy Wells-Gephart RN, IBCLC
                    in Phoenix,AZ, where the sun shines and it's
                    only a dry 113'!
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