Mimi Ezust wrote:

>I'm reading "Indivisible by Four" by Arnold Steinhardt, first violinist of
>the Guarneri String Quartet.
>I have been a fan of the quartet since their first recordings and concerts,
>and over the years I've read everything I could about them, but this book
>is one of the best "inside stories" of string quartet making that I have
>ever read.  It's funny, touching, heart-rending, exciting ...  and full
>of marvelous stories and people.
>Steinhardt is as terrific a writer as he is a musician.

I know that "amen" messages are taboo here as a general rule, but Mimi
is right on in her comments about this fantastic read.  Steinhardt tells a
wonderful story, and the things you learn about ensemble music making from
his descriptions of the Guarneri's work will make you rething how you make
music!  It's an excellent portrait of a musical treasure.  Go get it!
