Mark Ehlert wrote: [abridged]

>Female Schatz wrote:
>>There is also another edition that supposedly uses the autograph scores
>>without Brahms' or anyone else's changes.  ...
>I believe you may be referring to the "Neue Ausgabe s?mtlicher Werke"
>edited by the folks at the Internationalen Schubert-Gesellschaft and
>published by B?renreiter (the same publishers for the recent critical Bach
>and Mozart editions).  The set I'm sure is quite popular and can be found
>in many of the larger libraries; if not, you can get copies via
>interlibrary loan without any problem.

Several of the individual symphonies from the New Schubert Edition are
available from Baerenreiter; scores, parts etc...Definitely 2, 6 and
"Unfinished" that I recall, perhaps more.

I'm not sure whether editing Schubert orchestral music or dealing with
the performance practice issues is nastier, having just conducted a
"revisionist" or at least a partially HIP performance of the
"Zauberharfe/Rosamunde" overture.

Lots of luck!
Joel Lazar
Bethesda MD