Jeff Grossman ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Hello, everyone.  I was hoping that I could get some thoughts from the list
>about a generally good set of the Beethoven symphonies.  I bought a cheap
>set a few years ago, but I'm now at the point where the interpretations and
>quality of the set consistently disappoint me.  I want to get a full-priced
>set, but there are so many options, I have no idea which to choose.
>I know that some of you have several sets, so I hoped that I could profit
>from your experience.

I'll point you for starters at my "magnificent octopus" (S.  Baldric) which is sorely in
need of an update (and I don't think I'll be quite as enthusiastic about
Harnoncourt next time) but I'd stand by most of it and there haven't been
too many new cycles in the intervening years.

Of recent ones:  Zimmerman is interesting and quite exciting in a slightly
(I feel) lightweight way.  Although it makes great play of being the first
cycle to use the new Del Mar Critical Edition (although I'm not convinced
Mackerras doesn't have the prior claim) he also has his wind players
embellish the music, so it's hard (if not impossible) tell tell which
differencees from what we're used to is (say) the Eroica are Ludwig and
which Joe Oboe.

Maag's set is weighty, but I need to listen to it more to know just how
good I think it is.

My favourite of recent cycles if by Michael Gielen (EMI) who always has
something interesting to say.

You didn't say which set you already have BTW.

Deryk Barker
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