Mohammad Iqbal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi...  I want to discuss with you the fact that many people hate classical

Hi, I think there are a number of reasons for this and some of them have
nothing to do with the music.

Many people who profess to hate classical music have no real experience
to base it on, it is simply a "knee-jerk" reaction.

We live in a society which is becoming more and more ani-intellectual.
"Classical" music is seen by many as intellectual and elitist, and so they
"hate" it as a matter of propriety.  This is in some ways, the fault of
some musicians and patrons who, whether theyt admit it or not, would just
as soon not let the riff-raff in.  Way too many concerts are set up as
upper-crust social occasions, rather than musical ones.

Some people would rather have a velvet Elvis than a Rembrandt, some would
rather read a romance novel than Flaubert, and some people simply don't
like classical musc.

So it goes,

Bob Lyman ([log in to unmask])