Mark Ehlert wrote:

>On pg. 165 of volume I/1 the Henle edition of Beethoven's complete works
>...  One paragraph describes an Andante found in the so-called "Kessler
>Sketchbook".  Since I don't speak or read German, I'll give the original

A translation:

   "A sketch for an Andante in G major in 3/8 time...which has occasionally
   been mentioned in connection with the Second Symphony...cannot have
   been intended for op. 36, according to Sieghard Brandenburg, despite
   its "sinfonia" heading, since it was only written after the extended
   sketches to the second movement in Landsberg 12.  It is improbable
   that Beethoven would have contemplated a new second movement at a
   time when the work had already progressed so far."

Walter Meyer