Dave Mepham wrote:

>For an excellent novel about music and musicians, I can strongly recommend
>An Equal Music by Vikram Seth.  Well researched, and well written.
>not many books that feature the esteemed Harold Moores Records in

I'd also add "Concierto barroco" (Baroque Concert) by cuban Alejo
Carpentier. It wasl written following a Vivaldi's opera based in mexican
emperor Moctezuma -?was it real?. Some of its caracters are Vivaldi himself,
Domenico Scarlatti and Haendel, that gather together to play a concert in
Venice, during the Carnival. The Story ends with the blackman -"negrito"-
Filomento -a former mexican slave- listening to Louis Armstrong.


Pablo Gamba
Caracas, Venezuela
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