Dorothy Smith asked:

>I'm currently reading the short stories of Wallace Stegner--better fiction
>writing than I've encountered for some time.  Does anyone know the rather
>long story, "A Field Guide to the Western Birds"? Excellent use of one art
>(literature) to illuminate another (music)--never an easy thing to do.

Sorry, I don't know this work.

Have you come across the novels of Anthony Burgess? He is perhaps most
famous for A Clockwork Orange which has musical references to Beethoven,
and the film has a soundtrack to match.  Although I haven't done much novel
reading for years, I was fond of his writing style, and was aware that he
had studied music and written some works (though I haven't heard any).  One
novel of his is called Napoleon Symphony, and is laid out in 4 movements
just like Beethoven's Eroica, complete with other musical references and
metaphors, e.g.  the funeral march movement.

Another novel of his had a character with the initials MF and it contained
some wordplay on these initials including the obvious "mezzo-forte".

Jim Paterson
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