Ulvi Yurtsever wrote concerning Bach's Fugue in E major:

>This fugue is one of those (many) Bach pieces whcih can stretch one's
>capacity to absorb beauty: There is something overwhelming in the
>absolute gem-like perfection (and brevity; therefore concentration) of
>greatness here; I almost get the feeling some law of physics must be
>violated, some kind of black magic must be involved to reach this level
>of perfection.

Ulvi must really like the E major fugue.  I share his sentiments and
couldn't express them any better than Ulvi has above.  When I was listening
to the different versions in my survey, it started to become clear to me
that each pianist was highly inspired by the music and offered his/her best
interpretation.  Another striking aspect of this fugue is how strong its
impact is on the listener with a variety of interpretations.  Great music
can usually absorb a wide differentiation of performance.

Don Satz
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