Tony Duggan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Still, at least the BBC still mounts the contest every two years and does
>cover all the heats, albeit when too many people will be thinking about
>going to their beds.

When the BBC does simultaneous TV/radio broadcasting, it tends to forget
that the radio listener may not have the TV images in front of them. The
(all too brief) coverage of the lieder section in the last Cardiff Singer
of the World competition was most peculiar as a result if you only heard
it on the radio.  Someone mentioned the unsatisfactory programming of BBC
Radio 3 at 'drive-times' in morning and early evening. This is true enough,
although I've never found Radio 3's weekday programmes between 5 and 7 in
the evening very satisfactory - it seems always to have been a problem

Virginia Knight
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