Following its very successful World Premiere on May 21 in Washington DC
at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Benjamin Lees' Night Spectres for
solo cello is available for performances.  The premiere was presented by
'cellist Steven Honigberg.  The Washington Post called the new piece "a
testimonial to the nocturnal terrors endured by Holocaust survivors".
They further wrote that, "Lees avoided the doubtlessly strong temptation
to be obvious and dramatic, instead creating a work of great delicacy and
restraint with a set of leitmotifs that project the horrors the survivors
dream about."

This was the second work of Mr. Lees' that has been commissioned and
premiered by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The first work, Piano Trio
No. 2 "Silent Voices", was performed through the western U.S. by The U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum Trio in May.  This work is also available for

On June 17, Mr. Lees' Etudes for Piano and Orchestra will be performed
at the Round Top Festival in Round Top, Texas by pianist James Dick and
conductor Robert Spano.

August 5 will bring the World Premiere of the newly revised Mirrors for
solo piano in Woodstock, New York, with the pianist Ian Hobson. This work
is an ongoing collaboration between Mr. Lees and Mr. Hobson, who has
recorded a CD of the composers solo piano music as well as his Piano
Concerto No. 2, both for Albany Records.

Benjamin Lees music is published by Boosey & Hawkes. His website is
located at:

He is represented by Jeffrey James Arts Consulting - 516-797-9166 - phone
and fax, Email [log in to unmask], to whom inquiries about his
music can be directed.

Jeffrey James