In a message dated 05/17/2000 12:38:15 PM Central Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< Linsert is encouraged that in such markets as Hong Kong and the
 many parents are paying extra for the enhanced formula, which costs about
 $70-$80 a year more than the standard variety. The Martek CEO argues that
 the added cost works out to $10 per IQ point, an amount he deems trivial. >>
Hello all,
    I would love it if the focus was not so much on IQ numbers, but on the
fact that breasfed children are reaching their full IQ potential, by getting
the food specifically designed to promote brain growth and development. There
is that unfortunate argument that a friend who never nursed uses, "well my
kids are as smart as yours so I guess they didn't need me to nurse them". (
Ok let's not go into her daughter's gut being destroyed by constant
antibiotic use, the screaming of indigestion, and lousy eating habits even at
7 years old). We need I think to make sure people understand that this is not
simply about getting a few more points, it is about giving a child the
absolute best shot at optimal health. Anything less that human milk is a step
away from that, and in some cases a dangerous downhill slide that some kids
may never recover from...
Judy LeVan Fram, Brooklyn, NY

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