Aaron Morris wrote:
> OK, now we know "Don's method".  Gotta say it looks like back yard science
> to me.
  And I don't mean to beat the "pure science vs practical beekeeping"
> dead horse.
> The remedy/treatment seems like a method that can be prone to user error.
> The recipe, "a couple pounds of canola oil with a pound of menthol melted
> over a barbecue grill" delivered to the hive via soaked blue shop towels cut
> in half seems pretty "iffy" to me.

Menthol does kill TM better than anything out there except maybe the new
formic acid gell. I don't believe hobbiest realize the amount of menthol
used per year for tracheal mites. Same food grade menthol and carnola
oil only a different delivery method because menthol packets won't work
in cold weather.
> Is there a consistent per hive dosage in there?
2 parts oil to one or two parts menthol according to the commercial
beekeepers in the article.
 Is there potential to
> deliver too much menthol?
I don't see how as there is less menthol in the liquid than in the bags
and the vapor is what you are after. Double dose will drive bees from
the hive and can kill a amall amount of brood as per article.
  Is this something the honey consuming public
> would want to know?
Don says this is a approved method of application and as far as i know
menthol has never been found in honey. I bet if it were you would get a
lot more in a menthol cough drop.
 Any residues left in the honey?
See above.
 How does USDA weigh in
> on this method?
They didn't say anything about the crisco patties.

  Menthol packets are approved, are soaked blue shop towels?
As i said before Quote: from Don Jackson-bee inspector
> Best of all the treatment works in cooler weather and uses the ONE LEGAL treatment for trachael mites-menthol. page 139 of Feb 1997 ABJ.

Am i the only person collecting old ABJ's?
> I have not heard claims one way or another about this method.
Hard to believe as been in use for many years. Are there other
treatments maybe you haven't heard of? kidding!
 I do not
> doubt that some, perhaps many beekeepers are using this back yard remedy.
Many commercial beekeepers struggling to survive while our best
scientists try to solve the problem are using the remedy.
> wonder how many untold debacle stories there are to go with however many
> successful claims are being made.
Most commercial beekeepers have given up on educating you guys but maybe
a few will reply. I suspect there MIGHT be many beekeeping mysterys
solved if my friends would speak up. Not afraid to speak out in
> WARNING: Because you heard it on BEE-L does not imply truth or sanctions.
Don't believe what you read in ABJ either!

This method works for me and i have used the treatment seven times. I
check tracheal mites with microscope myself. I have no hidden agenda
only to put forth again something i tried which i read in a ABJ article
which worked for me. Maybe it won't work for you.

A short history of medicene: "doctor ,i have a ear ache."
2000 b.c.- "here eat this root."
1000 B.c.-"that root is heathen,say this prayer."
1850 A.D. "that prayer is superstition,drink this potion."
1940 A.D.-"that potion is snake oil,swallow this pill"
1985 A.D. "that pill is ineffective,take this antibiotic."
2000 A.D. "that antibiotic is artificial. Here ,eat this root!"

" you can't solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created
--Albert Einstein

You ask very good questions Aaron ! You have to pardon my humor!
Bob Harrison U.S.A.