Bill Pirkle wrote:

>By Top 40 I did not mean that 39 was too few and 41 was too many.  I meant
>that the current classical stations programming are directed toward people
>who already appreciate classical music and lesser known works are perfectly
>appropriate to expand the depth of their knowledge of music.

My observations are that most classical stations are directed mainly toward
folks who are not classical music fans, but who "dabble" in it from time to
time.  I don't know of any other explanation for the prevalent programming
of crossover, cameo, and very light music.  That is not the programming
wanted by serious listeners.  My view applies to Albuquerque, Louisville,
and most internet stations.

Actually, Bill's notion for a top 40 station represents better programming
than I'm used to hearing from the radio.  I am aware of some fine classical
stations; they're just not in my neck of the woods.

Don Satz
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