After having been totally captivated by a performance by Evelyn Glennie
last February at McCarter Theater in Princeton, NJ, I was very excited
in learning about her latest recording, SHADOW BEHIND THE IRON SUN.

Here is the review I read in as part of a post sent by TipWorld:

   by Tim Pfaff

   (RCA Victor Red Seal)

   Scottish percussionist Evelyn Glennie is one of the wonders of
   the contemporary music scene, and this fascinating new CD is the
   fulfillment of her dream of making an improvised recording in the
   studio.  With producer Michael Brauer, who also improvised in both
   the recording and mixing of this sound spectacle, Glennie has achieved
   a recording as electrifying as her legendary live concerts.  On the
   CD's 13 tracks, she plays everything from drum kit to the full range
   of Asian and African percussion instruments, to dizzying and
   transporting effect.  She plays the title track on her exhaust pipe,
   which she has named "Simtak," but the stupendous array of sounds that
   issue from it resemble anything but a backfire.  She recorded the
   longest piece (at 27 minutes), "Land of Venden," with pianist Philip
   Smith (and Glennie on a battery of homemade instruments), in a single
   take, and it marks one of the finest pieces of new music I've heard.

   Tim Pfaff is a freelance classical music critic who serves as the
   West Coast correspondent for London's Financial Times.  He is the
   former editor of two national music magazines, Piano & Keyboard and
   Historical Performance.

The disc sounds interesting.  Has anyone heard it? Getting this CD is a
looks like a must for me.  Not having any others, I was wondering if any
list members would have any suggestions for other recordings.

Thanks, as always.

Ron Chaplin
Iselin, New Jersey, USA