David Runnion ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I'm curious, does anyone know when recording engineers began splicing tape
>and editing performances for recordings? Perhaps one might be surprised at
>the performances you thought were "live", unedited recordings.

The 1950s.  There was no tape in general use before the end of the war
and I reckon it took a while for the engineers to realise the potential.

Sometime in the 1950s Otto Klemperer was making a recording and the
engineers suggested redoing a few bars where there was a flub.  OK didn't
understand exactly what they meant, had the concept of tape-splicing
explained to him and turned to his daughter, who always accompanied him,
and said "Lotte, ein schwindle ist!"

Larry Sherwood ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I understand that when Dorian makes a recording, they essentially tell the
>performers, "Play it as often as you like.  We'll stay here until you get
>it right." ...

Nimbus likewise.

Deryk Barker
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