I am in Sydney, Australia.

I am following the work done by the Sydney Consort baroque Music:


I know some work of Handel, Scarlatii and Tartani (OPUS 111 label) but have
some difficulty to locate things on Giordani.  Can anyone point me to a web
site with some data on this composer? Your help, as usual, will be much

Another item I am re-looking for is; years back when I was a suscriber
I did find a Classical Music database software.  I gave up on this as my
laptop was much to small to cope with this software.  Today, my new machine
is 6 folds bigger.  I am re-considering.  Anyone has tried such a software?
Is it also easy to enter other category of music? Your help, as usual, will
be much appreciated.

Very kind regards, Jean-Louis.