Kevin Sutton wrote: [abridged]

>...  I often have scores on the stand which I don't open, and I have seen
>Bernstein conduct for ten minutes and then flip 50 pages of score over.
>Go figure.

For me the test of whether one is "morally" entitled to conduct concerts
from memory is whether or not one could rehearse from memory.

Solti ALWAYS conducted from a score, and Giulini, NEVER, as far as I can
tell.  Karajan, I think, never..

Maazel can and does.  Rehearsal numbers and bar numbers memorized, of

Toscanini did. Ormandy, Szell, likewise.

I don't memorize for a number of reasons, mostly having to do with not
performing any given work often enough to memorize it....I discover that
the fifth time around on a standard piece over, say 20-25 years, it has
become memorized, but can't figure out any way to force the issue.  I
haven't lost sleep over it since I was a kid, however..
