"John G. Deacon" writes that most averse criticism of Muti's work comes
from America and then adds:

>I would venture to suggest that these views are not supported either
>by musical evidence nor by the musically informed public in Europe.

My experience jibes with John Deacon's.  Muti's reputation is generally
good here in Germany and in Italy.  I've attended not just one opera
performance conducted by him at the Scala--because I always found myself
wanting to come back for more.  The Scala orchestra doing symphonic works
is something else again; it's simply not like Vienna's Opernorchester which
excels at both genres.  But that's scarcely Muti's fault.  Rather, it's
organic,antecedes Muti and likely will endure after him.  Opera is what the
broader Milanese public is interested in.  Some of the best non-operatic
music in Milan is played in the auditorium of the conservatory, at least
so I have found.

Denis Fodor                     Internet:[log in to unmask]