I as a violinist have my own set of favorite concerti, here are a few:

   Elgar (this is a big one, in the romantic tradition)

   Bach a minor (the E Major is good too, but I like the a minor better)

   Mozart (any of the five, I especially enjoy performing and listening to #3)

   Paganini #1 (very virtuosic, I recommend the Perlman recording with
   the Carmen Fantassy on the same disc)

   Khatchaturian (kind of obscure, I guess, but I enjoy it for its
   simplicity and melodic invention)

   R. Strauss (there's a new recording of this one by Sarah Chang, it's
   a much neglected piece)

   Phillip Glass (if you like minimalism, try this.  I know you're new
   to classical, but I'm a huge fan, so I must mention it)

   Prokofiev (especially number 2)

I've avoided some of the more modern ones, since you are new to classical,
but there are millions more I can think of.  I love the violin concerto, if
you like modern stuff feel free to ask for more suggestions.  Plus, I like
Romantic and Modern more than classical and baroque, so I just suggested my
favorites.  Happy listening.

being the fool that I am I neglected 4 I must mention (and I'm sure I'm
still leaving out more)


   Barber (lyric Barber at his best)

   the new one by virtuoso bassist Edgar Meyer (I reccomend the CD with
   Hillary Hahn performing this one and the Barber, flawless and passionate

   finally....Saint Saens #3

okay, I'm finally done

jed wulliman