Scott Morrison wrote:

>Maybe I'd better go back and listen more carefully to more of his music.

Reading your note I am reminded of my first exposure to his music, the
Sixth Symphony, conducted by Munch.  It knocked me out.  I remember trying
to find recordings of the others.  At that time the only the 4th and 3rd
could be found on disc...but you had to look.  The 3rd was on a ten inch.
My friend had it, but his was cut off center.  I then found a broadcast of
the First from a Prague Festival in the 60s.  Then the 5th was released on
Louisville and then finally I found a broadcast tape of Ormandy!  doing the
Second.  To my ears the Second sounds like it could be the Dvorak Tenth.

Many years later and many recordings later, I find his music to be uneven
at times, but some works still remain favorites.  His style ranged from
the Romanticism of Dvorak to impressionism to what eventually became a ver
personal style.

For me, his Double Concerto for two string orchestras, piano and timp. is
one of the great works of music.
